Brighton cosy warm fire from kiln dried firewood from ogs logs

Top Quality Seasoned & Kiln Dried Firewood

Ogs Logs is a local family run business with over 15 years providing top quality kiln dried and seasoned firewood in and around the Sussex area.

Firewood & kindling suppliers you can trust

We pride ourselves on the quality of the firewood we provide to our customers whilst considering both the environment and our carbon footprint. We believe in sustainability and work hard to achieve this in as many ways as we can.

I have been using Mark’s log delivery service for over a year now and it is perfect. The logs are great, his deliveries are reliable and to top it all, he’s a really nice guy to deal with. Highly recommended.

Liz Steyning

Sustainability with our Suppliers

  • We only source firewood logs from forestry contractors who have felling licences & manage the sustainability of their forests, eg The National Trust & large land owners.

  • We acquire trees which are a by product of wood grown for other purposes (eg, furniture). These are trees that have either been damaged by wildlife, or are ready to be thinned within the forest to improve biodiversity.

  • The management process removes dead wood & allows wildlife to flourish thus helping the eco-system.
beautifully seasoned tree trunk ready to be split into firewood and then kiln dried

We buy our wood from sustainable sources